The Summit will include two Analytics Training Days on April 6 and 7, as well as a Conference Day on April 8. The theme running through this year’s Summit will be “Real-World Applications of Data Science and Business Analytics.”
The Training Days on April 6 and 7 feature four two-day technical sessions; “Advanced Microsoft Power BI,” “Fundamentals of Machine Learning,” “Deep Learning with R” and “Tableau Masterclass.” The single-day session on April 7 is titled, “Analytics for Executives.”
The conference on April 8 will include two keynote speakers, an executive panel discussion and five applied analytics track sessions in operations and supply chain analytics, finance and risk, marketing, analytics management and leadership, and advanced analytics. Each track session will include three informative presentations.
Complete details and registration information can be found on the Analytics Summit 2020 event registration site.
Source: the University of Cincinnati’s Center for Business Analytics