As always, I’m looking forward to inspiration, innovation and industry insights. We welcome back the Ministerial Programme, cutting-edge exhibitors and we are pleased to bring you the new Diversity4Tech Summit, built on the success of Women4Tech. This year, 4YFN, the GSMA’s key innovation platform, will be in the heart of MWC Barcelona for the first time. Combining these two influential events recognises the critical role that startups play in fulfilling the potential of mobile technology.
This year’s theme, Connected Impact, explores how 5G is advancing technology, creating global impact and redefining business. And for 2021, MWC means even more ways to connect, with a hybrid offering and our most comprehensive safety measures to date.
Let’s get back to Barcelona, back to business and back together.
I’ll see you there soon,
Mats Granryd
Director General, GSMA